Primary Outcomes (explanation)
1. Average willingness-to-pay for protein-rich food bundle
All mothers who participate in the survey will be entered into a lottery to win a bundle of protein-rich food items for their child or, alternatively, a randomly chosen cash prize (amount may range from Rs. 100 to Rs. 2000). 25 lottery "winners" will be chosen randomly at the end of the baseline survey. Mothers will be asked to state their preferences between the food bundle and several potential cash prize amounts, using a multiple-price-list elicitation method. One cash prize amount will be randomly chosen for each mother, and their choice for that amount will be implemented in case they win the lottery. WTP will be measured by the mid-point of the interval of two cash amounts at which a mother switches from preferring to receive cash to preferring to receive food. Possible values range from 0 to 2000. Average willingness-to-pay will be compared between mothers in the treatment groups and the control group.
[Time Frame: Baseline]
2. Difference between true and perceived height-for-age percentile relative to WHO standards
The difference between the child's true height-for-age percentile relative to the WHO reference population and the mother's perceived percentile rank. Values may range from 0 to 100.
[Time Frame: During endline survey, an average of 4 months (or 17 weeks) from baseline]
3. Difference between true and perceived weight-for-age percentile relative to WHO standards
The difference between the child's true weight-for-age percentile relative to the WHO reference population and the mother's perceived percentile rank. Values may range from 0 to 100.
[Time Frame: During endline survey, an average of 4 months (or 17 weeks) from baseline]
4. Knowledge score on returns to child nutrition (Binary)
Binary variable coded "1" if at least half the prompts (3 out of 6) about the returns to child nutrition are answered correctly, and "0" otherwise. This is a binary indicator constructed based on the knowledge score scale that may range from 0 to 6, with higher scores representing better knowledge.
[Time Frame: During endline survey, an average of 4 months (or 17 weeks) from baseline]
5. Minimum frequency of meals
Binary variable coded "1" if the child consumed the minimum recommended number of meals in the last 24 hours, based on their age, and "0" otherwise
[Time Frame: During endline survey, an average of 4 months (or 17 weeks) from baseline]
6. Minimum dietary diversity
Binary variable coded "1" if the child consumed food from at least 5 of the 8 specified food groups in the last 24 hours, and "0" otherwise. This is a binary indicator constructed based on the World Health Organization "Minimum Dietary Diversity - Infant and Young Child Feeding" (MDD-IYCF) scale. Scores may range from 0 to 8, with higher scores representing better outcomes.
[Time Frame: During endline survey, an average of 4 months (or 17 weeks) from baseline]
7. Height-for-age z-score
Height-for-age z-score at the time of the endline survey
[Time Frame: During endline survey, an average of 4 months (or 17 weeks) from baseline]
8. Weight-for-age z-score
Weight-for-age z-score at the time of the endline survey
[Time Frame: During endline survey, an average of 4 months (or 17 weeks) from baseline]
9. Weight-for-height z-score
Weight-for-height z-score at the time of the endline survey
[Time Frame: During endline survey, an average of 4 months (or 17 weeks) from baseline]
10. Consumption of Balamrutham
Binary variable coded "1" if the child consumed Balamrutham (government-provided therapeutic food) in the last 24 hours, and "0" otherwise
[Time Frame: During endline survey, an average of 4 months (or 17 weeks) from baseline]
11. CREDI child cognition scale z-score
The Caregiver-Reported Early Development Instruments (CREDI) Short Form is a validated set of 20 population-level measures of early childhood development (ECD) for children from birth to age three (0-36 months). The responses on this 20-point scale (based on age) will be converted to a norm-referenced standardized Z-score for overall development. The z-scores may range from -6 to +6, with larger scores representing better outcomes.
[Time Frame: During endline survey, an average of 4 months (or 17 weeks) from baseline]