Reducing Mistreatment of Migrant Domestic Workers

Last registered on February 24, 2019


Trial Information

General Information

Reducing Mistreatment of Migrant Domestic Workers
Initial registration date
February 22, 2019

Initial registration date is when the trial was registered.

It corresponds to when the registration was submitted to the Registry to be reviewed for publication.

First published
February 24, 2019, 7:40 PM EST

First published corresponds to when the trial was first made public on the Registry after being reviewed.



Primary Investigator

University of Milan

Other Primary Investigator(s)

PI Affiliation
University of Michigan
PI Affiliation
Georgetown University
PI Affiliation
University of Munich
PI Affiliation
Asian Institute of Management
PI Affiliation
University of St. Andrews

Additional Trial Information

In development
Start date
End date
Secondary IDs
This project investigates whether Filipino migrant domestic workers are treated better by their employers in Saudi Arabia and Hong Kong after an intervention that suggested them to bring a small gift and to show a family photo to their prospective employer during their first meeting. The first part of this study (originally registered with the funding agency 3ie) found these positive effects (also in a revealed-preference way). In the second part, we use an incentivized online experiment with representative samples of upper- and middle-income populations of Saudi Arabia and Hong Kong. Participants ("employers") can redistribute money between themselves and Filipinas. The games allow us to study both pro- and anti-social behavior. Before their decisions, participating Filipinas either reveal 1) no additional information about themselves, 2) they show photos of their families, 3) they send a small online gift, or 4) both. We also examine if the effect differs when the gift or photo are presented during the first round, or during a second round, two weeks later. To separate mechanisms, we also introduce a default allocation of money in the redistribution games. In the second round, we also measure changes in implicit associations using a single-target Implicit Association Test.
External Link(s)

Registration Citation

Barsbai, Toman et al. 2019. "Reducing Mistreatment of Migrant Domestic Workers." AEA RCT Registry. February 24.
Former Citation
Barsbai, Toman et al. 2019. "Reducing Mistreatment of Migrant Domestic Workers." AEA RCT Registry. February 24.
Experimental Details


This is the description of the intervention in the second part of the project. We use an incentivized online experiment with representative samples of upper- and middle-income populations of Saudi Arabia and Hong Kong. Participants ("employers") can redistribute money between themselves and Filipinas. The games allow us to study both pro- and anti-social behavior. Before their decisions, participating Filipinas either reveal 1) no additional information about themselves, 2) they show photos of their families, 3) they send a small online gift, or 4) both. We also examine if the effect differs when the gift or photo are presented during the first round, or during a second round, two weeks later. To separate mechanisms, we also introduce a default allocation of money in the redistribution games. In the second round, we also measure changes in implicit associations using a single-target Implicit Association Test.
Intervention (Hidden)
There will be four treatments: control, gift, photo, and gift+photo. See descriptions below.

Control treatment
The control treatment only states that the sender is matched with a 30 years old female from the Philippines without any additional details. Then the procedure will follow.

Gift treatment
In order to manipulate feelings of reciprocity among respondents, we introduce a gift treatment. In the RCT, the DWs were encouraged to give their employers a pack of dried mangoes, a Filipino specialty. In order to mimic the original gift in an online environment, the receivers will be selected such that they send a photo of a favorite landscape from the Philippines with a personal note presented as a WhatsApp message. We will then translate the note to Arabic and Chinese. Although not typical for gift-exchange laboratory experiments that typically introduce gifts through principals’ higher wage offers for agents’ non-contractible effort (Fehr and Gachter 2000), several studies show that the value of a gift increases with increased effort and good intentions that the giving party puts into the gift (Falk 2007, Kube et al. 2012).

A gift in our experiment satisfies:
1. Sending the gift has to be perceived as an intentional act of kindness from the sender
2. The sender has to incur a little cost to this
3. The gift is easy to process by the receiver
4. The gift does not signal neediness/economic status of the person
5. The gift is not culturally sensitive (mainly an issue for KSA sample)
6. The gift matches the RCT treatment as closely as possible.

The gift will be presented to senders before making the decisions in the games as a short html description with a photo on the webpage with a possibility to download it. We will measure the clicks on downloads as a measure of “interest” in a given gift. In the second round, after the games, we ask in a survey if the participants remember the photo. As such, we can measure how valuable the gift was to the particular individual.

Photo treatment
To reduce social distance between the sender and the receiver, we present a photo treatment. Before making their choices in the game, the senders will be presented with a photo of their matched receiver and her family with a short description presented as a WhatsApp message: “On this photo you can see NAME, the person you are matched with together with. She is 30 years old. There is also her husband NAME and their child NAME in the picture. The family comes from the Philippines.” Then the senders start making their decisions.

Photo + gift treatment
This treatment is a combination of the two above. First the photo is introduced, then the gift.
Intervention Start Date
Intervention End Date

Primary Outcomes

Primary Outcomes (end points)
Dictator game transfer : amount shared with a Filipina
Primary Outcomes (explanation)

Secondary Outcomes

Secondary Outcomes (end points)
6 binary dictator games; Single-target Implicit Association Test; survey questions asking about treatment of a hypothetical Filipino domestic worker; survey question asking about general perceptions of Filipinos
Secondary Outcomes (explanation)

Experimental Design

Experimental Design
The incentivized online experiment with individuals from Saudi Arabia and Hong Kong aims to understand the behavioral change in individuals in response to the treatment in the first part of the project, where the treatment bundles together several potential mechanisms. We identify three channels through which the treatment effect might occur:
1) feeling of reciprocal obligations by the employers,
2) decreased social distance between employers and domestic workers (DWs),
3) and employers’ increased moral cost of causing harm to DWs.
These channels should result either in more altruistic feeling of employers towards the DWs and/or lead to reduced antisocial behavior. We also hypothesize that kind actions at the first instance of an interaction promote kind reciprocal behavior from the other party, relative to when the kind action only comes at a later stage.
Experimental Design Details
The incentivized online experiment with families from Saudi Arabia and Hong Kong aims to understand the behavioral change in individuals in response to the treatment in the RCT, where the treatment bundles together several potential mechanisms. We identify three channels through which the treatment effect might occur:
1) feeling of reciprocal obligations by the employers,
2) decreased social distance between employers and domestic workers (DWs),
3) and employers’ increased moral cost of causing harm to DWs.
These channels should result either in more altruistic feeling of employers towards the DWs and/or lead to reduced antisocial behavior. We also hypothesize that kind actions at the first instance of an interaction promote kind reciprocal behavior from the other party, relative to when the kind action only comes at a later stage.

We cannot merely learn from existing laboratory experiments, since while earlier literature has established that reciprocity and reduced social distance both enhance immediate prosociality towards individuals, it does not examine persistence of these effects and spillovers on other members of the same group (only Gneezy and List 2006 or Kube et al. 2012 document some short term persistence of response to gifts). Also, extrapolating and generalizing results from laboratory settings with undergraduate students can be misleading in the particular setting we study, where social norms guiding interactions of employers and DWs have been long established and hence guide individual behavior.

We will use incentivized experiments typically used in a laboratory that closely resemble the situation of Filipino domestic workers in Saudi Arabia and in Hong Kong: 1) the bargaining power is heavily skewed towards the employers, 2) the interaction is of fairly long duration but one-shot (one employment contract, assuming away possibility of reemployment as getting a new domestic worker is not more costly than prolonging a contract with a new one), and 3) there is a possibility for the domestic worker to send a signal to the employer at the first instance of their interaction: either through giving him or her a small gift (with no substantial monetary value but with a positive intrinsic value), or through increasing familiarity and reducing social distance by presenting a picture of their family. The signal is expected to induce employers to behave more prosocially towards the workers and employers’ moral cost of harmful action towards the domestic workers should increase.

We will use two games: a dictator game with a restricted budget set and an adapted version of two modified dictator games used in Fehr et al. (2008) and Bauer et al. (2014). Unlike in their case, we will not use two binary games, but rather we make the choice space “more continuous” by having multiple choices per category. In each game, a sender has to select between two alternative allocations of tokens for him/herself and the receiver.

Dictator game
The dictator game allows the sender to redistribute US$20 between him/herself and the receiver. The sender can then allocate anything between US$0 and US$10 units in increments of US$1 to the receiver using a slider bar.

Manipulating default endowment allocation (orthogonal to treatment)
Further, we will randomly manipulate whether the initial allocation on the slider bar starts at (20,0)—i.e. all for the sender and nothing for the sender—or whether it starts at an egalitarian split (10,10), allowing for “taking away from the receiver”. Although the choice space is theoretically equivalent, the framing results in different norms associated with the redistributive choices (Krupka and Weber, 2013; Cox et al., 2016). While a distribution (15,5) is perceived as rather generous gift of US$5 in the former game, taking US$5 away from the receiver in the latter game, is perceived as rather nasty. As such, we will manipulate the moral cost of harmful behavior independent of the role of social distance and reciprocity.

Measure: inequality aversion (Bolton and Ockenfels 2000; Fehr and Schmidt 1999) or altruism vs. selfishness; no efficiency concerns. Does not capture harming in any other way than not sharing.

Binary games
The senders will make choices in a series of binary games. The order of the games will be randomized. The games will be as follows: One of the options will be fixed at (10,10) in every game. The other option will change across games as follows: (11,13), (10,8), (9,6), (8,4), (7,2), (6,0).

The (11,13) option allows us to separate efficiency maximizers and altruists from egalitarians. The fewer (10,10) in the remaining games, the more willing to harm.

Measures: on top of inequality aversion, altruism and selfishness it adds efficiency concerns (Charness and Rabin 2002) and antisocial/spiteful behavior (Herrman et al., 2008).

The simple setting gives us an opportunity to manipulate the default option: either the (10,10) option is selected as a default or the alternative is chosen. The options are presented such that the selected option is presented at the left part of the screen. This option will again be useful in separating the role of moral costs from the role of social distance and reciprocity.

This section discusses the procedure of the experiment for the dictators. In the first round, there will be two parts. The first part will ask basic demographic questions and questions related to the experience of the individual with employment of domestic workers (if, and if so, for how long and of which nationality). It will also ask few general questions about the regulations related to employment of domestic workers. Lastly, it will ask a question about which two nationalities do the largest groups of domestic workers in their country have. The second part consists of the actual choices in dictator games. One of the treatments is implemented. The order of the games is randomized and the ordering is recorded.

The second round is different and its purpose is to determine whether the first round treatment has 1) persistent effects, 2) whether there the “first impressions” effect matters, and 3) whether it affects attitudes towards Filipinos in general. It starts immediately with choices in the same dictator games. The dictators are again matched with the same Filipina as in the first round. They will be told that “you are matched with the same person as last week”. After their dictator game choices, the dictators will be asked to take part in a single-target implicit association test testing their subconscious attitudes towards Filipinas (See Lowes et al. 2015; note that the set of photos will consist of photos of the Filipinas, including the matched one; although with lower precision, we will be able to elicit attitudes towards the specific individuals). To further elicit attitudes towards Filipinos in general, we will also ask a question related to social distance of the dictators and Filipinos inspired by a question on “views of Filipinos” as in Lowes et al. (2015): “In which of the following ways do you view Filipino people: very positively, somewhat positively, neutral, somewhat negatively or very negatively?”
Randomization Method
Randomization done in office by a computer.
Randomization Unit
Individual level (participants in an online survey).
Was the treatment clustered?

Experiment Characteristics

Sample size: planned number of clusters
We recruit 1200 KSA and 1200 HK first round participants in the role of “senders” using survey companies in KSA and HK. We expect a final sample of 1001 KSA and 1001 HK participants completing both rounds. The only sampling criteria is that 1) individuals are locals and of middle/high income bracket, and we will have 2) males and females in the same proportion. The companies will incentivize the participants using the existing incentive schemes they use. The bonus points are equivalent to money.
Sample size: planned number of observations
2002 individuals (1001 in HK, 1001 in KSA)
Sample size (or number of clusters) by treatment arms
Control treatment: 143 in HK, 143 in KSA
Gift treatment round 1: 143 in HK, 143 in KSA
Gift treatment round 2: 143 in HK, 143 in KSA
Photo treatment round 1: 143 in HK, 143 in KSA
Photo treatment round 2: 143 in HK, 143 in KSA
Gift + photo treatment round 1: 143 in HK, 143 in KSA
Gift + photo treatment round 2: 143 in HK, 143 in KSA
Minimum detectable effect size for main outcomes (accounting for sample design and clustering)
Given the estimated sample size of around 286 individuals per treatment, SD of 1.7 found in a meta-study of dictator games (rounded), and an average dictator game transfer of 30% (again, rounded) assumed as a control mean, we would be able to detect a change of at least 3 percent of the control mean at alpha=0.05 and beta=0.8 using a two-means comparison test. Assuming SD=1.7 and the parameters above, the sample size allows us to detect changes of 0.33 of SD even when we restrict our analysis to subsamples of respective countries.
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University of Munich IRB
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