Primary Outcomes (explanation)
Symptoms in the last two weeks will be measured for the respondent of the survey and the household (averaging over individuals) by the number of symptoms from a list of 12 symptoms (cont. measure); a classification into high risk symptoms ([a] having fever, cough, or shortness of breath, or [b] any other 2 symptoms combined) will be performed for the individual (binary measure) and the household (averaging over individuals).
Similarly, we measure diagnosis, staying in quarantine and death for the respondent (binary measure) and for the household, averaging over binary measures (cont. measure; a proportion), with exception of death, where we have a binary measure for the household.
All this information will be aggregated to an individual and household health scale, by standardizing above measures, and possibly weighting them (e.g. from a PCA on the whole sample or the village), for building an average.
On the village level, we measure the number of people showing symptoms, number of people/households in self-quarantine, the number of people/households being diagnosed with Covid-19, and the number of deaths related with Covid-19.
Adherence to preventative measures in the last two weeks will be measured for the respondent by aggregation of the days in which they self-reportedly adhered to 8 measures from a list. Aggregation is performed by a) unweighted mean b) weighted mean, using weights e.g. from a PCA on the whole sample or the village; always accounting for reversed items (cont. measure). Adherence to social distancing measures will be measured for the respondent by aggregation of the numbers they state corresponding to 11 social distancing measures. Aggregation is performed by taking the maximum (cont. measure). Adherence to social distancing measures in the recent past will be measured for the respondent by aggregation of the numbers they state corresponding to the 3 social distancing measures. Aggregation is performed by a) unweighted mean b) weighted mean, using weights e.g. from a PCA on the whole sample or the village; always accounting for reversed items (cont. measure). Reduction of social contact and close social contact with neighbors will be measured by aggregation of the self-reported numbers they state corresponding to 6 typical situations of social contact, but also by the corresponding numbers neighbors state (on average) about the respective household. Aggregation over the situations is performed by a) unweighted mean b) weighted mean, using weights e.g. from a PCA on the whole sample or the village; always accounting for reversed items (cont. measure). Moreover, from the mobile phone location data, we will measure the reduction of daily movement.
All these measures capturing behavior will be aggregated to a behavior scale, by standardizing above measures, and possibly weighting them (e.g. from a PCA on the whole sample or the village), for building an average. Depending on the data quality and the percentage of households, for which we can gather information from their neighbors, we might have to eliminate information from neighbors from the so computed main outcome on adherence to preventative measures/behavioral reaction to the situation.
Correct beliefs as to whether or not everybody can make a change will be measured for the respondent by checking whether this answer is among the given answers, when asking “Who can make a change in fighting the novel Coronavirus?” Beliefs with respect to the degree of influence individuals have to fight the Coronavirus will be measured for the respondent by their answer to a five point scale. Knowledge about Coronavirus will be measured for the respondent, by the number of correct answers when going through a list with 12 possible answers, 5 of them correct (cont. measure).
Beliefs and knowledge will be aggregated to a beliefs and knowledge scale, by standardizing above measures, and possibly weighting them (e.g. from a PCA on the whole sample or the village), for building an average.
All of the above measures will be enriched with measures on centrality and distance between households, to perform network and spatial analysis.