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305 Trials Found

Fostering human capital development through school feeding and teacher incentives
Last registered on May 17, 2023
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D91, I15, I25, O12, O15

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Urban Food and Nutrition Security Resilience through Urban Farming: A Circular Economy Approach
Last registered on May 04, 2023
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Households, and Farm Input Markets; Q15 Land Ownership and Tenure • Land Reform • Land Use • Irrigation

• Agriculture and Environment; Q18 Agricultural Policy • Food Policy • Animal Welfare Policy; Q53

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Gamified Savings as a Problem Gambling Intervention
Last registered on April 29, 2023
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D14 Household Saving • Personal Finance; G41 Role and Effects of Psychological, Emotional, Social

, and Cognitive Factors on Decision Making in Financial Markets; D91 Role and Effects of Psychological

, Emotional, Social, and Cognitive Factors on Decision Making

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Building Strong Foundations: Large-Scale Early Childhood Human Capital Formation in Nepal
Last registered on April 26, 2023
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C93, J13, J24, I21, I25, H11

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A Randomized Controlled Trial on Permanent Supportive Housing for Individuals Exiting Prison
Last registered on April 13, 2023
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I38 (Government Policy/Provision and Effects of Welfare Programs), R28 (Household Analysis

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Learning Through Play and Early Childhood Education: Evidence from The Gambia
Last registered on April 13, 2023
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H52 I21 I28 I25 I38 J13

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The Impacts and Mechanisms of Rural Social Emotional Learning Classes in China
Last registered on April 13, 2023
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I24, I25, O12

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The Effects of Nudging Summer Youth Employment Program Applicants to Apply to More Jobs
Last registered on April 13, 2023
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I25 Education and Economic Development; I38 Government Policy • Provision and Effects of Welfare

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