Search Results

87 Trials Found

Impact of Microcredit in the Philippines
Last registered on May 24, 2017
Search term found in: Investigator.full name

Dean Karlan

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Cash & Stash Evaluation
Last registered on May 15, 2017
Search term found in: Other primary

Dean Karlan

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Hey Look at Me: The Effect of Giving Circles on Giving
Last registered on April 12, 2017
Search term found in: Investigator.full name

Dean Karlan

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A Personal Touch- Text Messaging for Loan Repayment
Last registered on April 12, 2017
Search term found in: Other primary

Dean Karlan

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Consulting and Capital Experiments with Microenterprise Tailors in Ghana
Last registered on April 12, 2017
Search term found in: Investigator.full name

Dean Karlan

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Price and Control Elasticities of Demand for Savings in the Philippines
Last registered on April 12, 2017
Search term found in: Investigator.full name

Dean Karlan

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