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345 Trials Found

Behavioral Interventions to Advance Self Sufficiency – Next Generation (BIAS-NG), Wayne County Head Start Attendance
Last registered on April 02, 2024
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Making; J13 - Fertility • Family Planning • Child Care • Children • Youth; I20 – Education and Research Institutions - General

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Offering scholarships to adult skilled workers
Last registered on March 26, 2024
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I22, I28, J24, C93

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Job referrals for minority workers: Impacts on a manufacturing firm in India
Last registered on March 15, 2024
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J01, J08, J15, J24, J46, J53, J62, J63, J71, J82, E24

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The Effect of Automation on Firm-Based Training
Last registered on March 06, 2024
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J24, O33

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Parental Awareness and Students' Track Choices
Last registered on March 06, 2024
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I24 - Education and Inequality, J62 - Job, Occupational and Intergenerational Mobility, D91 - Micro

Factors on Decision Making, J16 Economics of Gender, J24 Human Capital • Skills • Occupational Choice • Labor Productivity

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Argentina Solar Home System and Tariff Impact Evaluation
Last registered on February 12, 2024
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D13, I38, J22, J24, I12, I20

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Going All In: Simultaneously Breaking Down Barriers for Women in the STEM Workforce
Last registered on February 02, 2024
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I21, I23, I25, J16, J24

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Bridging the Gender Gap in Access to STEM through In-Exam Stress Management
Last registered on January 30, 2024
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C93, D91, I20, J16, J24

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