Search Results

142 Trials Found

Learning Through Play and Early Childhood Education: Evidence from The Gambia
Last registered on April 13, 2023
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H52 I21 I28 I25 I38 J13

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Supporting Evidence Building in Child Welfare Project – LifeSet Evaluation
Last registered on February 28, 2023
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J13; I31; I38; I24; E24

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Last registered on January 23, 2023
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D1, I3, J2, J13

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Knowledge about Child Care in Germany and Policy Preferences
Last registered on November 30, 2022
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J13, I24, C93, J15

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Impact of Preschool on School Preparedness: Evidence from a Nationwide RCT in Finland
Last registered on November 16, 2022
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I20, J13

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Family and Childhood Development: Kizazi Kijacho ('The Next Generation') - a Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial
Last registered on October 31, 2022
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C93, I12, I18, J13, J16, O35

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The Effect of Algorithmic Tools on Child Welfare Decision-Making and Outcomes
Last registered on September 22, 2022
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J13, J24, M50

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Culture and gender gaps in preferences, beliefs and behaviour
Last registered on August 27, 2022
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C93, D01, D02, D63, G50, J12, J13, J16, J22, Q12

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