Search Results

338 Trials Found

Mental Accounting in Household Finance: Evidence from FinTech
Last registered on October 31, 2022
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D10, D14, D15

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Beliefs About the Stock Market and Investment Choices: Evidence from a Field Experiment
Last registered on September 26, 2022
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D14, D83, D84, D91

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Stimulating controlled or autonomous motivation of job seekers. What works best?
Last registered on September 20, 2022
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J64 Unemployment: Models, Duration, Incidence, and Job Search

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Salience in Choice Under Risk: An Experimental Investigation
Last registered on September 07, 2022
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Criteria for Decision-Making under Risk and Uncertainty, Neuroeconomics

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History-dependent fairness preferences
Last registered on September 07, 2022
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D91 Role and Effects of Psychological, Emotional, Social, and Cognitive Factors on Decision Making

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The Effects of Youth Letters of Recommendation
Last registered on August 25, 2022
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I25 Education and Economic Development; I38 Government Policy • Provision and Effects of Welfare

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Is patience malleable via educational intervention? Evidence from field experiments
Last registered on August 25, 2022
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: C93 (field experiments), D15 (intertemporal household choice), I21 (analysis of education)

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The effect of information disclosure on borrowing choices
Last registered on August 17, 2022
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C93 (Field Experiments), D14 (Personal Finance), D18 (Consumer Protection), G51 (Household Borrowing)

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Gender gaps in financial literacy: Potential remedies
Last registered on August 09, 2022
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C8, C9, D14, D91, G53, I22, J16

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