Search Results

128 Trials Found

Using Group Interpersonal Psychotherapy to Improve the Well-Being of Adolescent Girls
Last registered on November 13, 2023
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O10, C93, I15, J16, J13

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Adaptive Trial for COVID-19 Messaging Campaigns
Last registered on October 28, 2023
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D8, D83, D91, I1, I12, I15, O1

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Women's value of decision-making: Experimental evidence from Colombia.
Last registered on October 23, 2023
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Q01, D60, I15, I31, J16, O13, R20, R52,

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Teaching Mental Health: Evaluating India’s Saharsh “Happiness Curriculum”
Last registered on October 12, 2023
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I15; I250; I210; I280

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The impact of coronavirus framings on attitudes to aid and migration
Last registered on October 11, 2023
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F35-Foreign Aid, C93-Field Experiments, F22-International Migration I15-Health and Economic Development, F52-National Security, Economic Nationalism

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Can Smartphone Applications Help Caregivers Improve Early Childhood Development in Peru?
Last registered on October 04, 2023
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I15, I25, C93

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Are Nudges Effective to Contain COVID-19?  A Randomized Control Trial in Rural Bangladesh
Last registered on September 26, 2023
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C21, C93, D1, D90, D81, H4, I22, I15, I18

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Mask Up! Testing strategies to increase mask use in Kenya
Last registered on August 16, 2023
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I12, I15, D70, D83, D91, H51, Q22

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The Persistent Effects of Stunting
Last registered on August 08, 2023
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I15, I18, I38

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