Search Results

14 Trials Found

Experimental Evidence on the Effects of a Coursera Program on Labour Outcomes in Costa Rica
Last registered on June 18, 2024
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E24, J01, J24, J62, I26

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Impact Evaluation of the Labour Intensive Public Works (LIPW) in Ghana
Last registered on April 02, 2024
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I31; I32; I38; C23; C26; H43; E24; J64; I12

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Job referrals for minority workers: Impacts on a manufacturing firm in India
Last registered on March 15, 2024
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J01, J08, J15, J24, J46, J53, J62, J63, J71, J82, E24

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The Effect of Inflation Uncertainty on Household Spending
Last registered on March 06, 2024
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E21, E24, E31, E50

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Gender Discrimination, Competition, Negotiation, and Self-Promotion
Last registered on January 09, 2024
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D90, E24, J16, J31, J71, M50

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Do Consumers Believe in an Inverse Phillips Curve? Evidence from the US and South Africa
Last registered on December 01, 2023
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E24, E31, J16

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Supporting Evidence Building in Child Welfare Project – LifeSet Evaluation
Last registered on February 28, 2023
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J13; I31; I38; I24; E24

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International Evidence of Passthrough from Inflation Expectations to Income Growth Expectations
Last registered on February 13, 2023
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E31, E24, E71, C83

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Firm inflation expectations, wage and price setting
Last registered on January 03, 2023
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E24, E31, E52

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