Search Results

39 Trials Found

Inflation preferences
Last registered on April 28, 2024
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C83, E31, E52

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Individuals' perceptions about past inflation
Last registered on March 19, 2024
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D84, D10, E31

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Housing Expectations and Market Behavior
Last registered on March 13, 2024
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C81, C93, D80, D83, D84, E31, E58

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The Effect of Inflation Uncertainty on Household Spending
Last registered on March 06, 2024
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E21, E24, E31, E50

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Personalized Response Scales in Inflation Expectations Surveys
Last registered on February 02, 2024
Search term found in: Jel code

C83, D84, E31

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Hand-to-mouth agents and durable consumption
Last registered on January 19, 2024
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C83, D84, E21, E31

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Do Consumers Believe in an Inverse Phillips Curve? Evidence from the US and South Africa
Last registered on December 01, 2023
Search term found in: Jel code

E24, E31, J16

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